Project Zero
5 C/Corps

Project with a Public Leader

Real World

public service. reimagined.

Equipping young adults to work with public leaders to address complex problems
Teams of five C/Corps participants (“Associates”) undergo intensive training, Project Zero Bootcamp, before starting work with public leaders on real problems in real time over the course of three months to address issues related to climate change, health, and equity. Throughout the process, Associates get mentoring from seasoned professionals and domain experts to ensure their work delivers real impact in the world.
Upon graduation, C/Corps Associates join a lifelong network of graduates and mentors who share the same skills, frameworks, and experience - and who can work together on short notice in the future when needed.
real impact
"[the c/corps associates] accomplished in two months
what otherwise would have taken two or three years."
-Dr. Alan Bliss, Jacksonville Historical Society